Coffee, water, & donuts - 9:15 am
Worship Service - 10:00 am
Nursery (0-PK) & Kingdom Kids (K-5th) - 10:00 am
This is our main weekly service. For more info Click Here
This is a recovery group that meets on Thursday nights from 7-8pm. If you are in recovery from any addiction (alcohol, narcotics, porn, etc) or wanting help, please feel free to attend. This is also a great place for support if you are a loved one of someone in addiction. Check out their Facebook Page for more info. Childcare is provided.
There is a women only support group that meets Tuesdays from 6-730pm as well.
-Adult Bible Study
Join us for a time of food, fellowship, and digging deeper in the Word. JE and DeeDee Trevillyan lead this Bible study.
Childcare is provided on Wednesday Nights.
-Crave Student Ministries
For grades 6-12th. Our desire for Crave Student Ministries is to create an atmosphere of community and discipleship while building a biblical foundation for the youth that will last
beyond their teenage years. Find more info on FACEBOOK.
Table groups exist to cultivate conversations, connections, and community. Think about holiday dinners at your family's house, where people from all different walks of life join together for conversation and food. We believe that the Church is really a community and that real "church" happens outside of Sunday mornings. Cesar Chavez said "If you really want to make a friend, go to someone's house and eat with him... the people who give you their food give you their heart."
There are few rules to Table Groups:
1. The first time you come, you do not need to bring anything, but after that everyone should bring some food to share.
2. You stay until everything is cleaned up.
3. Everyone is welcome and is encouraged to participate in the conversations.
There isn't any specific studies done in these groups, but you can always discuss what you are learning in your devotion time.
We encourage you to visit at least one a month, or attend them all!
Some of our groups are open for anyone, including your children, to come and we also have specific groups for different ages/stages in life, as well as a mens and womens group.
Click HERE to see what groups are currently meeting.
INSTE Bible Classes
INSTE exists to train and educate the people of God in discipleship, ministry and leadership for the accomplishment of the great commission through excellent and affordable distance learning. These classes are happening year round. Please reach out if you are interested in building a stronger biblical foundation, or wanting to learn more about your faith, for registration dates for our next class. Learn more about INSTE HERE..